Salmon Tacos
Indulge in the tantalizing flavors of quality salmon seasoned with zesty spices, nestled in warm tortillas alongside fresh toppings, creating the perfect harmony of taste and texture in these delectable salmon tacos.
0.25 Tbsp.Cumin0.25 Tbsp.Oregano0.25 Tbsp.Smoked paprika0.25 Tbsp.Cayenne pepper1 Tbsp.Black pepper0.5 Tbsp.Salt
16 oz.Salmon filet, without skin and bones3 Tbsp.Taco seasoning (bought or homemade)
1Ripe avocado0.5Lime, juice only
3.5 Oz.Sugar3.5 Oz.Vinegar3.5 Oz.Water7 Oz.Red onions, thinly sliced
2Corn on the cob1-2 Tbsp.Butter
1 CloveGarlic, finely shredded2 Tbsp.Red onion, finely chopped8 Oz.Cherry tomatoes, cut into 40.5 Tbsp.Ground cumin0.5Lime, juice only0.5 Tbsp.Cilantro, finely chopped
12Small corn tortillas
1. Homemade Taco Season
Mix spices.
2. Salmon
Cut the salmon into 4 4oz. portions and season on both sides. Heat non-stick skillet, cook on high heat 2 min each side, then put them to the side on a plate. Carefully split the portions in smaller pieces and add to tortillas.
3. Avocado
Peal, pit and cut the avocado into cubes. Season with lime juice and salt.
4. Pickled Red Onions
Bring sugar, vinegar and water to a boil in a small pot. Add the red onion and let it simmer at medium heat for 5-8min. Pull the pot to the side and let it cool down in room temperature. Pickled onion can be made and stored in the fridge days in advance.
5. Fried Corn
Sprinkle salt and pepper on the cobs and fry them in a pan with butter on medium heat until they get a golden color. Cut the kernels from the cob, and put them back in the pan for a little while. Season to taste.
6. Spinach
Saute garlic in oil over medium heat in a frying pan. When the garlic is lightly browned, add the spinach and stir for 30 seconds. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper and serve directly. from the frying pan.
7. Salsa
Mix everything and season to taste with salt and pepper.